How to crack the LinkedIn algorithm to get more connections

The number one key to getting more connections on linked in is being consistent. Once you master the art of consistency you will always be top of mind to your audience. This helps you grow because the more they get hooked to your content the more they recommend others to come take a look at it

With LinkedIn, making posts in a story format will get you more connections on this platform but keep it in mind to always make posts that are easy to understand

Make visually engaging content. as we all have noticed the world consumes mostly infographic content so exploit this feature and you will see positive results

With LinkedIn you have to know the right time to post your content. I highly recommend posting between 7am -8am and 1-2pm

TIP; always create content specifically for each platform because the psychology behind each platform is different. the way you communicate on lets say twitter should be different from the way you communicate on LinkedIn.

Navigating LinkedIn is really focused around professionalism. Pictures do well with LinkedIn as stated in the third paragraph. having a longer post of what you are going through will also do well on this platform. asking for help also works well on LinkedIn.

 the interface of the platform involves a lot of clicks compared to others; it is sometimes hard to navigate. Its UX is more clickier compared to other platforms. Nonetheless LinkedIn helps you connect with people who have mindlike interests


LinkedIn consistency content master how to story format visually engaging post content people engaging creation

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